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Latest Projects

Below are some of the projects I have been working on with a brief description of the techniques used and the final results. Some are large projects carried out over a series of months, whilst others are projects completed in an afternoon.

If you have a project in mind, I would love to hear from you to see if we can work together.

Programming a React component to show Customer Reviews

Programming a React component to show Customer Reviews


Creating a slider element to display customer reviews with navigation between reviews - programmed in React


For this project, the client wanted to display the latest customer reviews including the rating received, the name of the client and their comment.

The customer collects their reviews through Google Business, which does not currently offer an API to display reviews within external web pages.

The solution was presented in three parts:

  1. Extract customer feedback from the customer's google business profile and save them to a CSV text file.
  2. Write a small script to extract the reviews from the CSV and present them in JSON format when the server receives a request.
  3. Present reviews in a “carousel” of 3 reviews per screen, with navigation buttons to move between reviews.

I chose to create the presentation component in React, ideal for this type of project: The component was updated whenever it received data, and with each navigation click.

With 3 lines of code, the customer is able to use the reviews on any page within his organization's websites and always display the latest positive reviews from his customers.
